Lego Star Wars Wiki

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Boy anakin

The 2011 version

Boy anakin2

The other side of the 2011 head

Anakin Skywalker gray helmet

The old minifigure

Anakin Skywalker (Podracer) or Anakin (Slave) is a minifigure of young Anakin Skywalker in his slave clothes. He wears a pair of tan long or short legs and a tan torso, while sporting a podracer helmet. His face has freckles on it, and he had a helmet on, meaning that his minifigure came with no hair. In 2007, a second minifigure was released with smaller, less poseable legs. The face and hands were tan instead of the previous yellow. Also, this minifigure had a tan hair piece. In 2011, the same minifigure was released again, except that it had a new helmet, and no hair. Also, the head was double-sided, with one side of him frowning, and the other of him grimacing with his racing goggles on.

Role in Lego® Star Wars[]


The minifigure typically has brown-blond hair or a helmet. His torso is a yellow and brown tunic, and he generally has a pair of short legs, though this was not the case for his first minifigure. He does not carry any weapons.

Game character[]

In both Lego Star Wars The Video Game and in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Anakin Skywalker (Boy) is a playable character. He does not carry any weapons and cannot fight, but he can travel through hatches to reach higher levels.

Appearances in Lego®[]


